
Civil & Municipal
L&M is the leading engineering firm in northern British Columbia. We offer a wide variety of professional engineering services on projects that range from single lot developments to mega projects with total construction values in excess of $70 million. Our broad range of engineering expertise is unrivalled; we are familiar with all northern development standards, northern soils conditions and northern climatic conditions.
We have completed engineering studies for water supply and distribution, water treatment, sanitary sewer collection and treatment, drainage, storm water disposal, traffic analysis and transportation projects for most municipalities in northern British Columbia. In addition to these engineering studies, our major engineering work consists of the design of all servicing works associated with the development of residential and industrial subdivisions. During the past several years, we have developed more than 3,000 single family residential lots, numerous multiple-family developments, a number of bare land strata developments and several major industrial subdivisions with a total construction value in excess of $40 million.